The final formal blog!
I must start this blog by saying how much, once I’d started them, I’ve enjoyed writing these blogs. Without going into too much detail of my own journey up until this point I would like to point out that in comparison to my short time at Derby University and college; I much prefer the format of writing blogs as opposed to writing essays. It’s not that I don’t see myself as an academic but it’s a much more personal way of writing, like a dairy. Thumbs up for that!
Next I think that the visual design element of the course is outstanding, if not a bit daunting, as I don’t see my visual design work as my best asset. However, Chris’s visual design course structure is very good and I learnt alot this year. I think you can see the progress that I have made in my drawings skills. My only grumble would be that I haven’t had any one to one when it comes to painting or digital painting. I was aware of Cameron’s digital painting workshops but I would have liked some timetabled lessons.

I have enjoyed Heather’s lectures but have been back tracking over stuff that I have already done. However this has been good as it’s always good to practice your skills. I love to model and am looking forward to doing more next year. I would like to see the option of doing a semi specialised year next year as I think it will benefit me personally to develop my vehicle modelling and texturing skills. I don’t want to be a jack of all trades but a master of none. I think that games production would have been better if there were more lectures on things like texturing and different techniques when approaching applying them. Also it would have been good to have had some video tutorials on black board as well as the written ones.

Finally I have to say that I have really liked Mike’s critical games studies. I always enjoy sitting in a circle to discuss matters and have a light hearted chat about our projects and also documentaries that we have watched. I think that Mike has a real depth to his personality and worldly knowledge and have enjoyed getting to know him. Mike also has a great appreciation of films and I think we share many favourites. The only thing that I can criticize is that I didn’t get more time to spend with Mike as I think that I could have learnt more from him.

The timetable was lenient us this year which for me, with a family, was a good thing. Through one reason or other I have struggled with a few different problems but because of the time table it has been helpful to catch up. I think if it had been more demanding of me then I would not have been able to catch up. The work load was quite intense at times and I do wish that I had more time to finish projects. I think the work would have been better to be spread out more and the course made longer. Other than that I have been, on the whole, very happy. I am looking forward to the summer so that I can recharge my batteries and spend time modelling vehicles and texturing. However moving onto the second year will be a big step towards becoming a professional artist and I am hoping that everything goes well during the second year.
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